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kelas teri bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kelas teri"
  • I thought you were just some cheap, two-bit hustler
    Tadinya kupikir kau semacam pemeras kelas teri
  • He's a small-time crook who's been in and out of prison.
    Dia penjahat kelas teri kambuhan.
  • Do not accuse my love of being a petty criminal.
    Jangan menuduh cintaku penjahat kelas teri.
  • After a short stint as a petty thief,
    Setelah bertugas singkat sebagai pencuri kelas teri,
  • According to your statement, you're a short-con operator.
    Menurut pernyataanmu, kau penipu kelas teri.
  • You took down a smalltimer, Ray Harris.
    Kau menangkap penjahat kelas teri, Ray Harris.
  • He was a low-level thug for my father.
    Dia penjahat kelas teri untuk ayahku.
  • Faizal's notoreity gave birth to many small time criminals.
    Nama besar Faizal telah melahirkan banyak penjahat kelas teri.
  • Da Vinci is a mere dilettante.
    Da Vinci cuma seorang penggila seni kelas teri.
  • You were taken hostage by a petty criminal?
    Kau disandera dengan penjahat kelas teri?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4